What is a Neuroradiologist?
Neuroradiology is a subspecialty of radiology, which focuses on the diagnosis of abnormalities of the brain, spine, and head and neck using neuroimaging techniques.
Our Neuroradiologists are imaging specialists who are sub-specialty trained in the areas of head, neck, and spine, allowing them to interpret MRI, CT Scans, and other imaging results with the highest level of expertise available. Through these examinations, neuroradiologists are able to diagnose strokes, tumors, genetic conditions, aneurysms, Alzheimer's disease, and many other causes of neurological dysfunction at an early stage.
All of our neuroradiologists have both general radiology and subspecialty neuroradiology certification.
Why do I need a Neuroradiologist?
It is highly beneficial when dealing with a possible diagnosis of the brain, spine, head or neck to have a neuroradiologist work in conjunction with your other physicians. With their extensive knowledge and training, they are key in a precise diagnosis and recommendations for future scans and help streamline diagnostic and treatment algorithms.