Please be aware of the adjusted location hours
All Locations are closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 2020.
Weekend hours are also adjusted as follows:
The following locations will be closed all weekend from Saturday, September 5, through Monday, September 7. They will resume normal hours Tuesday, September 8.
- Centreville-Clifton Imaging Center
- Fairfax Diagnostic Imaging Center
- Fairfax PET/CT Imaging Center
- Fairfax Vascular Center
- Prosperity Imaging Center
- Reston-Herndon Breast Imaging Center
- Reston-Herndon Imaging Center
- Springfield Imaging Center
- The Ultrasound Center
- Vienna Imaging Center
- Woodburn Diagnostic Center
Additionally, please note the adjusted hours of the following locations:
Breast Center of Fairfax: Saturday 8am – 12pm for screening mammography and stereotactic breast biopsy only. Closed Sunday
Fairfax MRI Center: Saturday 7am-7:30pm. Closed Sunday.
Fairfax MRI and Imaging Center at Tysons: Saturday and Sunday 7:00am – 3:30pm, MRI only
Fairfax MRI Center at Reston: Saturday and Sunday 7am – 7pm, MRI only