Fairfax Radiology Centers

5 tips to help you relax during an MRI

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses a strong magnet field combined with radio waves to produce images of the body. MRI is very useful for creating a detailed picture of our organs, bones and soft tissues. Some patients not normally bothered by small spaces may feel uneasy having to lay still for a prolonged period. Ear plugs will be provided to diminish disturbance from the knocking noises that accompany the imaging. Here are a few tips that may help calm you during the exam:

  1. Ask questions. Certified MRI Technologists have specialized training and experience to provide great support to those that are anxious or claustrophobic. MRI rooms are equipped with an intercom system and someone is always readily available should you need help.
  2. Take a nap. Because of the lengthy amount of time in the machine you may find it to be a great opportunity to add in some shut eye. Some people bring eye masks to help them fall asleep. Be sure to ask for a warm blanket or pillow.
  3. Dress comfortably. If you are not in a hospital gown, opt for comfortable clothes and remember no metal! This includes jewelry, bra clips, buttons, and zippers.
  4. Practice mindfulness or guided imagery. As we scan you, imagine scanning yourself from head to toe. Focus on relaxing any tension you feel and take slow deep breaths. You can also remember a pleasant stroll, favorite outing or the feeling of a calm breeze to help relax.
  5. Get Familiar. Experience what it’s like to have an MRI at Fairfax Radiology.
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