HeartFlow® Analysis

Procedure Locations

What is HeartFlow® Analysis?


What is HeartFlow Analysis?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States.1 CAD develops when the arteries leading to the heart narrow or become blocked, which may lead to a reduction in blood flow to the heart, causing chest pain, heart attacks and death. Despite being the most common form of heart disease, many of the non-invasive tests available today have low accuracy rates in detecting the disease. 

Fairfax Radiology is advancing the diagnosis of CAD with the HeartFlow Analysis FFR CT. This non-invasive heart test provides a personalized 3D model of your coronary arteries that shows how each blockage impacts blood flow to your heart. This detailed information, which was previously only available through an invasive procedure, helps your doctor determine the next step in your treatment plan.


1. American Heart Association.

How it Works

Your doctor will order a coronary CT scan to look for blockages. If additional information is needed, your doctor may order a HeartFlow Analysis. This does not require another appointment and there is no additional risk to you. 

HeartFlow Generic CT Scan

Using your CT scan, the HeartFlow technology creates a personalized digital 3D model of your coronary arteries. With trained specialists and powerful computer algorithms, the HeartFlow Analysis calculates how much each blockage limits your blood flow.

HeartFlow 3D Physicological Assessment

Your doctor receives a digital, color-coded 3D model of your coronary arteries. This information helps you and your doctor determine the next step in your treatment plan.

HeartFlow 3D Color Model


  • Provides a more detailed view of the significance of your coronary artery blockage than a standard coronary CT scan
  • Non-invasive - no additional risk to you
  • Reduces the need for follow-up testing and evaluation 
  • Helps your doctor better determine the appropriate treatment of care
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How do I schedule a HeartFlow Analysis?

Contact our Scheduling Department for an appointment:
Phone: 703.698.4488 Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm
Fax: 703.698.0864

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When are appointments offered for HeartFlow Analysis?

For your convenience, appointments are available at Fairfax Radiology Center at Prosperity. Learn more about this location. 

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