
PET/CT Brochure (es)

Las exploraciones PET (tomografía por emisión de positrones) y CT (tomografía computarizada) son modalidades de diagnóstico por imágenes que permiten a los médicos detectar y localizar enfermedades. Las imágenes PET utilizan la fisiología del...

PET/CT Brochure

PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and CT (Computed Tomography) scans are imaging modalities which enable physicians to detect and localize disease. PET imaging uses the physiology of glucose metabolism in detecting disease, while the CT component...


Gynecomastia, a condition that affects men and boys, is characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue. This often leads to self-consciousness and discomfort.

Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation

For more information, visit the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation

Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation

Click Here to visit the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation for more information.

Having trouble finding information about screening mammograms?

Common questions, such as when to begin screening, and how often to screen, can be answered in this handout.

Embedded thumbnail for Breast Cancer Screening 101

Breast Cancer Screening 101

This informative video, provided by the American College of Radiology®, gives a look into the importance of annual mammography screening to prevent breast cancer deaths.

Embedded thumbnail for What to expect when you have a mammogram

What to expect when you have a mammogram

This informative video, provided by the American College of Radiology®, gives important information on what to expect before, during and after your mammography screening.

Mammography for Dense Breasts

Does it matter if you have dense breasts? Download this brochure to find out.

Learn more information about the life-saving importance of mammography

More information about mammography and breast cancer can be found on the patient resources page.

Elevated Risk of Breast Cancer

This brochure highlights recommend mammography screening information to discuss with patients including recommend age to begin screening and breast cancer risk factors.

ACR Doctor Decision Aid flyer

Talking with Your Patients About Screening Mammography: Are you faced with answering questions about mammography? Here are some facts and statistics to help inform you and your patients.

Nuance© PowerShare™ Network - Patient Guide

A patient's guide to online access to medical images.

COOLIEF Patient Brochure

A patient’s guide to a minimally invasive treatment.

Prostatic Artery Embolization Pamphlet

A patient’s guide to a minimally invasive treatment.

Delivering Better Patient Care with SIGNA Architect

Fairfax Radiology is continuously looking for new technologies to provide the highest level of medical care possible. Find out how a recent MRI system upgrade to SIGNA Architect delivers reduced scan times, a more accurate diagnosis and a better...

Embedded thumbnail for SIR-Spheres® microspheres Mode of Action video

SIR-Spheres® microspheres Mode of Action video

SIR-Spheres® microspheres Patient Guide (Spanish)

Radioterapia interna selectiva para tumores hepáticos con microesferas SIR-Spheres®

SIR-Spheres® microspheres Patient Guide

Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) for liver tumors using SIR-Spheres microspheres

Interventional Neuroradiology Instrucciones Para Angiogramas

Interventional Neuroradiology Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty Instructions

Interventional Neuroradiology Embolization Instructions

Interventional Neuroradiology Cerebral Angiography Instructions

Interventional Neuroradiology Instructions (Consultant)

Breast Pain

Get answers to common questions about Breast Pain.

Low Dose CT Lung Screening

Lung cancer causes more deaths in the US than any other type of cancer. Often, early lung cancer does not cause symptoms and can go undiagnosed. Find out who is eligible and how to order a Low Dose CT lung screening.

Automated Breast Ultrasound Screening

Are you one of the 4 out of 10 women with dense breasts? This brochure explains what makes breast tissue dense and what additional screening such as ABUS can do for women who have dense breasts.

Choose Lower Dose 3D today

3D mammography is beneficial for all women and for all breast densities. This brochure explains what a 3D mammogram is and why you should have one.

Vascular Center Patient Guide

This brochure prepares you for your first visit where your Interventional Radiologist will talk about how to prepare for your procedure, what to expect on the day of and days following the procedure, and answer any questions you may have.

FRC Authorization for Release

Authorization for Release form.